Websites have changed a lot over the years. Websites were once solely used to give information about your company. But now websites are ground zero for businesses trying to grow their brand, generate revenue, attract employees, host content and much more.
However, too many businesses get their website wrong because they hire designers or agencies who aren’t very clear on how to communicate their brand’s message and who can’t optimize their site for maximum efficiency—especially in markets that are ultra-competitive and difficult to stand out in.
In this article, I provide a solution to your website woes and list five storybrand website examples you can use to cut through the clutter, increase engagement and generate more sales/leads that will help your business get more traction online.
StoryBrand Website Example #1: Clear header
The very first thing your storybrand website should do when a visitor lands on your homepage or landing page—within 5 seconds—is tell your visitor what you offer in clear words.
At StoryBrand we call this the “grunt test.” A caveman should be able to look at your header and grunt what it is you offer. If your website’s header doesn’t’ pass the grunt test – better go back to the drawing board.
The StoryBrand way:
In simple words, say what it is you do in 7 words or less. Add a small description underneath if you need to clarify further.
StoryBrand Website Example #2: Don’t hide the cash register
To the ladies reading this post, what if a guy walks up to you at a bar and says, “hey, let’s get started!”
Your first response would be, “get started doing what?” Then you’d probably throw a drink in his face.
But how many times have you seen this call to action on a website? Call to actions must be crystal clear to be understood. Examples of a clear call to action:
- Buy Now
- Schedule a Call
- Book an Appointment
- Check Out
By not having a clear CTA on your website — you’re hiding the cash register. If people don’t know how to buy from you, how can you expect to make any money?
The StoryBrand way: “Don’t make me think” is an old mantra from 2003 on web design that is still applicable today. You must tell your prospects what you want them to do. Your call to action should be an up or down answer—that they either accept or reject.
StoryBrand Website Example #3: The Value Stack
Value propositions or the “value stack” can sometimes be confusing to understand. A value prop can be simply understood by asking yourself this question: What do I offer that will make my customer successful? Or asked another way: What are the 3-4 reasons my customer should do business with me? I get this question all the time because even in marketing—I also have my own set of competitors to deal with. Value propositions should also explain why your product or service works better than your competitors.
The StoryBrand way: Failing not to list the added benefits (or value) to your prospects/customers will make your website less effective.
StoryBrand Website Example #4: What are the stakes?
On your website, tell your prospects what is at stake if they don’t work with you. You have to show them the future if they don’t act now to get their problem resolved. This can be as simple as writing a before or after or a with or without statement.
The StoryBrand way: Show your customers what the future will look like if they work with you. Never assume your customer knows how you help them.
StoryBrand Website Example #5: Give your prospect a plan
This section of your website should outline in 3-4 steps how to buy from you. This may seem counterintuitive but you need to explain it. The plan will help decrease the friction points and help them overcome any hesitancies they may have.
The StoryBrand way: Like stepping stones in a river, show your prospect how to get to the other side. Eliminate any friction points they have to do doing business with you.
To sum up, make sure your header clearly tells what you do and passes the grunt test, add a clear call to action (no wishy-washy get started stuff) how you will help your customer achieve success, the stakes involved if they don’t work with you and the steps needed to get started. By adding these elements in your business, you will see an uptick in revenue.

Most businesses don’t have a marketing plan they feel confident in.
We’ve seen it happen to many businesses. You don’t know how to fix your marketing to grow your revenue, so you end up trying idea after idea, hoping something works. In the end, you waste a ton of time and money, all with nothing to show for it.
The StoryBrand Marketing Report gives you a ready-to-go tailored marketing plan that works. Your custom report will guide you through the areas of your marketing that are weak and give you a detailed plan on how to fix it, using the StoryBrand framework that has worked for hundreds of thousands of businesses.